Saturday, September 12, 2009




The foundation for Bible study needs to be unbiased and objective.  It should never be biased and subjective. If the approach is denominational and organizational, one will not see Biblical truths. As a result, they will start saying, believing and teaching what their subjective belief is and not Biblical truths. There is a difference between a denominational and organizational belief and a Biblical Truth.

Biblical Analysis should never be used to justify any biases, bigotry, and discriminatory practices. 
For example: Some may quote a scripture to justify their beliefs, as though quoting a scripture is a Federal or State Law to be obeyed.  That is not the reason to study the Bible.

The approach to Bible study should always be precise, comprehensive and accurate.

Why is the word Bible used? 
The original writers of Hebrew and Greek knowledge, understanding, and belief in God, never used or heard the word, Bible.  

The word Bible is from the Greek "Biblia" which means books.  In Greek it is called
"Biblos" - Papyrus Scroll and used in Koine Greek as "Ta Biblia" which means books.  It is also called the "Library Of Divine Revelation."  Bible also means any large book.  In Medieval Latin the term is "Biblia Sacra" meaning Holy Book.
The word Bible from a literal meaning refers to paper or scroll which later was called book.

We must also understand that we are reading from translations and not the original writings from the original authors. The King James Version (1611, 1769-Oxford University Press), is a very popular translation. There are people that think the KJV is the original Bible. If there is any mention that there are some copyist errors in any translation, people become very upset. They think you are unjustly criticizing the Bible, when in fact, you are giving Critical Analysis. It may seem amazing, however, that is some of the thinking of some people. You are just pointing out statements in the translations that calls for in-depth investigation. Books of the Bible were written 2,000 - 4,000 years ago.

When studying and researching scriptural translations, we need to distinguish what is 
allegorical, metaphor, literal, hyperbole, symbolism and parabolic narratives.

3 important applications to actuate in Bible Study:
Biblical Truths
Biblical Scholarship
Biblical Conveyance  

In Scripture, truth is characterized by both qualitative and quantitative aspects.
personal veracity and historical factuality. Conformity to fact or reality.

Knowledge of the Bible acquired by study. Comprehension of the Bible.
Making relevant connections in the texts. Learning; knowledge acquired by study; the academic attainments of a scholar.
What was the author's original intended meaning?
the action of making an idea, feeling, or impression known or understandable to someone.

English translations that can be studied such as the KJV, NLT, ESV, NASB, NIV, AMP, BLB, BSB
KJV - King James Version
NLT - New Living Translation.
ESV - English Standard Version.
NASB - New American Standard Bible. 
NIV - New International Version.
AMP - Amplified Bible.
BLB - Berean Literal Bible.
BSB - Berean Study Bible.
It is great that we have translations from Greek and Hebrew. Comparative translation study will be very benefiting in bringing out the truths in scripture. We must give close attention when we are studying any translation in reference to the original text.

Other great study tools are the Greek Interlinear Bible and the Hebrew Interlinear Bible.

This is a excellent resource. The Interlinear Bible is defined as: "An interlinear will have the original language written in the order it was written: you can see which words had priority of placement at the beginning of a sentence for emphasis, how the sentence was structured originally."
Here is another definition: "It's simply a way for any student of Scripture to examine the Greek and Hebrew words that lie behind our English translations.  If you know the languages or not, you can still get quite a bit of the experience."
First, I believe it is important to define what STUDY is defined as. Here are some definitions:
  • The pursuit of knowledge, as by reading, observation, or research.
  • Attentive scrutiny.
  • A work, such as a thesis, that results from studious endeavor.
  • A literary work on a particular subject.
  • To apply one's mind purposefully to the acquisition of knowledge or understanding of (a subject).
  • To read carefully.
  • To inquire into; investigate.
  • To examine closely.
  • To give careful thought to.
  • To apply oneself to learning, especially by reading.
  • To be engaged in the learning or understanding of a subject.
  • To investigate or examine (something) by observation and research.
  • Applying the mind to learning and understanding a subject.
From the above definitions, one can see, to have knowledge and expertise in any subject matter, study is a definite prerequisite.
There are no shortcuts and no quick easy to learn methods. Study is a discipline that requires work and continuity. It will require work to become proficient. Whether it is mathematics, business, manufacturing,electronics, technology, physics, finance, economics, accounting, medicine, science or law, it is going to take discipline and dedication.
One can go as high in the field(s) of their subjects as they want to go.

This exposition is about those that profess Christianity and the importance of having understanding and knowledge of God's Word. Just as it takes time to become proficient in any discipline, it takes time to understand the Bible and make daily practical application in our lives. If you are just copying & repeating information that you have read in a Commentary Translation, you will not get an in-depth understanding of Scriptural Research.

The Bible is comprehensive.  It is broad in scope.  The student works to become proficient in Biblical understanding.  The definition of a scholar is a student.  One who studies.  A specialist.  A learned person.  If one wants to be a scholar, then they need to be a serious student, learner, pupil, thinker and reader.
We cannot put our trust in what people say the Bible states and their interpretation of scripture, and live on that. We have to know for ourselves if it is accurate or not. It is amazing that so many Believers in Christianity do not put the time and effort it takes to really see if what they are taught and have been believing over the years concerning God's Word from someone else is true or not.
Many people repeat what they have heard and read as factual and have never examined the information for themselves. I am not talking about people who want to be contrary just for the sake of arguing with no value or substance. I am speaking of people who really want to know about the truths of God’s Word. Studying the Word of God applies to all Born Again Believers, so we may obtain sound doctrine of the scriptures.

This is what the Apostle Paul stated to Titus on sound doctrine in the BLB translation:
Titus 2:1(BLB) "But you, speak the things that are consistent with the sound doctrine."
SOUND - Greek = hygiaino (hu-ge-i-no) "Of Christians whose opinions are free from any mixture of error."

DOCTRINE - Greek = didaskalia (de-da-ska-le-a) "Teaching, instruction, precepts."
The Amplified Bible's translation: Titus 2:1 "But [as for] you, teach what is fitting and becoming to sound (wholesome) doctrine [the character and right living that identify true Christians]."

The New Living Translation (NLT).
As for you, Titus, promote the kind of living that reflects wholesome teaching.”

Then, in the same chapter of Titus, in verse 8 of the BLB translation, Paul told Titus, "And sound speech beyond reproach."
In this context of scriptural translation here are the meanings:
SOUND - Greek = hygies (hu-ge-as) "Teaching which does not deviate from the truth."
SPEECH - Greek = logos (lo-gos) "Of the moral precepts given by God."

We should look at the meaning of Sound Doctrine and Sound Speech according to contextual understanding of the original Greek in the New Testament meaning given by God.

1 Timothy 4:11(BSB)
Command and teach these things.”
Command in Greek is paraggellō (pä-rän-ge'l-lō) – (1) to transmit a message along from one to another, to declare, announce. (2) to command, order, charge.
Teach in the Greek is didasko (did-as'-ko) - to hold discourse with others in order to instruct them. To impart instruction.

Here are 2 scriptures that show where self-responsibility in studying is for the members of the Body of Christ. Acts 17:11, 2 Timothy 2:15.

Here is Acts 17:11 translated from Greek to English in the
 Acts 17:11 "Now these ones were more open-minded than those in Thessaloncia who received the message with all eagerness examining thoroughly the Scriptures day by day if these things were so."

This scripture is referring to all believers in Christ. This is talking about the Bible students at Berea. Berea was a city of Macedonia where Paul, Silas and Timothy went. Those students searched the Word as a daily duty because they had eagerness and a positive feeling of wanting to push ahead for the truth.

The NLT (New Living Translation) states:
 Acts 17:11(NLT)
"And the people of Berea were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, and they listened eagerly to Paul's message.  They searched the Scriptures day after day to see if Paul and Silas were teaching the truth." 

"Readiness of mind" in the KJV, means ready, willing and eagerness.

2 Corinthians 8:11(KJV)
Now therefore perform the doing of it; that as there was a readiness to will, so there may be a performance also out of that which ye have.”

The Amplified Bible states:
So now finish doing it, that your [enthusiastic] readiness in desiring it may be equalled by your completion of it according to your ability and means.” 

Searched in Acts 17:11 in the Greek is anakrinō (ä-nä-krē'-nō) - to investigate, examine, enquire into, scrutinize, to check and sort carefully, question. To judge of, estimate, determine (the excellence or defects of any person or thing).

The Bible student takes time and discipline to search the scriptures and make a thorough examination seeking out the truths of God's precious Word. Scriptures have definite and specific meanings.

2 Timothy 2:15(KJV)
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
  • Workman in Greek is ergatēs (er-gä'-tās) a toiler, a teacher, a labourer.
  • Rightly is defined as, in a straight manner, upright, correctly.
  • Dividing in Greek is orthotomeō (or-tho-to-me'-ō) to make a straight cut. To dissect (expound) correctly (the divine message).
We are all workmen in the Body of Christ. We cannot afford to be unskillful, unfaithful, lackadaisical, which is cause to be ashamed. However, those in the Body of Christ, who are faithful and keep to the work of the Lord and take the understanding of God’s Word seriously, need not be ashamed. For members in the Body of Christ, there must be consistent systematic spiritual care and love for the study of God’s Word.

Here are the words of the Lord in:
 Matthew 22:29 (KJV)
Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.”

The Greek word for
knowing in this context of scripture is eidon (ā'-don), which means “perceive, be sure, understand, discover, to inspect, examine, to have a clear and certain mental apprehension. The force and meaning of something which has definite meaning. Evidencing the possession of inside information, alert and fully informed, and highly educated; having extensive information or understanding.”

Our Lord is stating to us with declaration, the great importance of knowing the Word and teaching and applying it in our lives and the lives of others.
Here are 2 links on our BLOG for Methods and Principles of Bible Study.



Remember, that it is important to have a daily relationship with God as a Believer in Christ. See my commentary entitled:


God's Word, which has been given to us, is so important in understanding the correlation of scriptural principles with daily application. In the final analysis, it is our self-responsibility to study, know and implement God's Word in our daily living.

Jarrett L. Perdue Sr.


  1. Wow! You are such a great student and teacher of the word. I see where your son gets it from. God bless you Sir
